CareCall Edge

With its slickly designed interface at the nurse station, your staff will have all the information they need to rapidly respond to calls.

Staff can see at a glance where every tracked resident or staff member is located at any given time. In the event of an emergency, alerts are sent to assigned staff to provide immediate assistance. While daily activities are taking place, CareCall Edge collects activity data providing you with invaluable information for planning. This also helps you understand where the pressure points are that need to be addressed.

Dashboards and reporting systems can beset up according to your work processes. Reports can be emailed, alerts delivered to smartphones – whatever your needs are, the software can be configured to support your requirements. Your annual support plan means all software updates are made on time and 24/7telephone support is always available. Most situations can be managed remotely meaning significantly less downtime waiting for an onsite technician to arrive.

CareCall4 Plus

The most stable nurse call system available.

CareCall4 Plus ensures your system is always up and running. In the event of a call point connection failing, it will immediately and seamlessly connect wirelessly to the nearest call point and notify your staff of the fault’s location.

We call this a “no single point of failure” nurse call system.

With fully automated self-testing call points backed up by automatic switch over to wireless in the event of a fault, CareCall4 Plus gives you the peace of mind of having the market’s most stable nurse call system.

Need a Nurse Call System?

Contact us today for a free quote.